Wednesday, 14 May 2014

How About a Dinner in the Sky? Yes It's for Real!

Now this one is little different from ordinary and in a sense out-of-the-box in its truest sense. Just imagine dining mid air in 'front' of the Eiffel Tower or in the middle of  a river. A company - Event in the Sky - is arranging these mid-air jaunts for the rich and famous who have a head for heights.

The mid air events are not limited to dining but the company has a long list of events, which may include fashion show, wedding, birthday party, press conference, product launch, business meeting and Christmas Party.

To arrange a mid-air event all they need, "any site accessible to both crane and truck with trailer that provides minimum 30 x 15 meters space which can be secured for such an exclusive event."

Live the moment in these pics:

 Pics courtesy: Dinner in the Sky

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